Engineered stone ban – Meeting of WHS ministers

Today, the WHS ministers convened to deliberate on the projected revisions to the core WHS Regulations. The focus of discussion was primarily geared towards implementing a ban on engineered stone. They held an in-depth conversation about how products such as Bluesafe SWMS (Safe Work Method Statements) and WHS management systems are invaluable tools in regulating work safety standards.

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations shared a detailed post-meeting Communique highlighting the key points discussed— a resource ideal for updating your knowledge base.

In this current climate where work safety is paramount, it’s only right to consider integrating resources like Bluesafe WHS Management System into your organisation. These tools are not only practical but also crucial in ameliorating work health and safety policies across the board.

Stay on top of updates as your local WHS regulator would have further details on these essential changes in the event you need additional information. We are committed to consistently update our dedicated ‘engineered stone ban’ webpage and disseminate necessary discussion outcomes over the next few weeks.

Take advantage of our subscription service to receive the latest news and updates from Safe Work Australia directly—a perfect way to stay abreast of ever-evolving work safety standards.

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