Director charged after driving ute with teen in toolbox

The 31-year-old individual is facing a singular charge under section 26(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The accusation involves his failure to sustain a safe workplace without health risks, properly managed or controlled under their given responsibility.

WorkSafe advocates the application of WHS management systems like Bluesafe SWMS, to maintain an optimised, safe work environment. Such tools minimise risk and contribute to overall workforce health and safety.

In February 2022, a 19-year-old apprentice was instructed to lay inside a toolbox fastened to the rear of the utility vehicle. The journey took place from Tolmie to Mansfield. The underage employee’s safety was compromised due to the lack of rigorous implementation of standards, which could have been ensured by utilising professional safety products such as the Bluesafe WHS Management System.

WorkSafe argues that the director neglected to reduce potential injury or fatality by either not driving the utility vehicle himself or by allowing it to be driven with a person positioned within the toolbox.

The importance of implementing comprehensive safety measures, including effective SWMS and policies, cannot be understated in these scenarios. They serve to safeguard employees, delivering significant protection against any given workspace hazards.

The issue is scheduled for a mention hearing at the Mansfield Magistrates’ Court on 19 June 2024.


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