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ANIMAL HANDLING WHS PACKAGE [xyz-ihs snippet=”CurrentYear”]
[xyz-ihs snippet=”IncentiveEndDate”]
- Policy and Procedures Manual
- WHS Diary
- Safe Work Method Statement Package
Below is a detailed list of everything the comprehensive package includes. (Over 200 Pages with customisations included)
The Policy and Procedures Manual Covers: + Management of WHS Risks
+ Risk Management Control Measures + General Tools and Equipment + Drugs and Alcohol + Mobile Phones + Using Company Vehicles + Using Private Vehicles + Internet and Email Use + Emergency Procedures + First Aid Procedures + First Aid Kit Checklist + Hazardous Substances + Rehabilitation + Personal Protective Equipment + Work at Heights + Social Functions + Slips Trips and Falls + Sun Protection + Managing Workplace Conflict + Workplace Hazard Identification + Incident Reporting + Manual Handling & Haz Manual Tasks + Management of Noise + Fatigue Management + Company and Personnel Privacy + Smoking + AND MORE….. |
The WHS Diary Manual Forms & Checklists Covers: + Incident Reports
+ First Aid Forms + Fire Fighting Equipment + Medical Records + Vehicle Inspections + Evacuation Drills + Tools & Equipment + Workplace Audit Reports and More… |
24 Safe Work Method Statements Pack Includes: + Animal Handling
+ Chemical Handling and Use + Chemical Spills and Leaks + Electrical Appliances + Flammable Liquids + Food Hygiene + Hand Tools + Hand Trolley + Hazardous Substances + Manual Handling + Office Equipment + Office Furniture + Prevention of Slips, Trips and Falls + Rubbish and Waste Disposal + Sharps Handling and Disposal + Spills and Leaks Clean Up + Steriliser + Stock Trolley + Storage and Stacking of Materials + Vehicles + Wet and Dry Vacuum Cleaner + Working Alone Note: The Safe Work Procedures above may be exchanged for others if there is equipment listed which your company does not use. |

WHS Promotion Incentive Package
It’s as easy as 1,2,3
1) Press “Order Now” and complete your order.
2) You’ll Receive an email from our WHS Development Team requesting your company logo and a few particulars about your company. Reply to our email and attach your company logo in a high resolution JPEG format and press send. Within 5-10 business days you will receive an email with your downloadable customised safety package ready to implement with ease into your business.
3) BlueSafe’s After Sales Support is Free and available to help you set up your WHS Package and implement within your business by calling 1300 877 609.