Guidance for employers on communicating with migrant and multicultural workers about work health and safety

Employers hold a critical responsibility of maintaining a healthy and safe environment for all personnel. As such, Safe Work Australia has initiated a fresh information sheet for employers emphasising on effective communication with the multicultural and migrant worker base regarding work health and safety — an integral part of implementing efficient WHS management systems.

The said information sheet presents a comprehensive outline of the employer’s responsibilities and the workers’ rights. It also suggests strategies to manage work health and safety risks that potentially could affect multicultural and migrant employees. Resorting to eminent work safety products, such as SWMS or the ‘Bluesafe SWMS‘ could prove immensely helpful in this process.

In addition, it includes a residential aged care case study, exemplifying the practical aspects of interacting and consulting with migrant and multicultural workforce in a aged care setting.

Bring your attention to the following resources:

Information Sheet — Communicating with Migrant and Multicultural Workers about Work Health and Safety
Initiating effective dialogues is one step towards fostering safe environments and adopting elevated standards like the ‘Bluesafe WHS Management System’.

Residential Aged Care Case Study — Communicating with Migrant and Multicultural Workers about Work Health and Safety
Delve into pragmatic examples shedding light on incorporating policies affirming work health safety measures.

Information Sheet — Work Health and Safety in Australia: Information for Migrant and CALD Multicultural Workers

Migrants form a significant part of the workforce. Hence, providing them with pertinent resources will bolster efforts in making workplaces safer.

Language Hub

Languages shouldn’t be a hitch when it comes down to ensuring safety. Promote comprehensible communication across different linguistic backgrounds with the help of robust systems like Bluesafe WHS Management System.

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