Presenting our Safe Work Method Statement Template for Diggers – a practical, straight shooter of a tool designed to assist you in managing the health and safety requirements on site. Here’s what it brings to the table:
- Pre-filled and Comprehensive: Not one to waste your time. The template is pre-populated with necessary sections and statements, saving you from reinventing the wheel. A broad range of safety processes, controls, tasks are covered off.
- Fully editable and customisable: Just because we’ve done the heavy lifting doesn’t mean you can’t fine-tune. This template is completely editable and adaptable using Microsoft Word format so you get to personalise as needed.
- Includes the scope of the project and the project details: Absolutely every bit of information about the task at hand has its own place here – right from defining your project’s scope to recording sundry bits of relevant info about it all.
- Includes checklist of any high risk machinery on site: High risk machinery deserves super vigilance. That’s why we’ve dedicated this strategic segment to help you list, analyse and put controls in place for those potential hazards.
- Includes space for recording any staff training: A well-trained crew makes for a safer work environment, wouldn’t you agree? Keep track of the skills your team possess and the trainings they need with this feature.`
- Includes before and after risk ratings: What’s ascertaining risks without ratings? With this attribute, it’s only getting simpler and transparent as you differentiate between the severity of risks before and after controls are applied.
- Includes resources for use of legislative references: Compliance is central, isn’t it? This feature equips you with legislation references that relate directly to your work. Not one bit of a legislation goes unnoticed in the process.
- Includes all PPE required: Because no health and safety documentation is complete without a detailed account on PPE. And this template has that blank spot duly filled.
- Includes risk assessment and risk assessment matrix: Allowing you to provide a structural approach to identifying hazards and controlling risks with this useful addition. Calculate, document and manage it all with utmost clarity.
- Ensures complete coverage of SWMS requirements: Helps in ticking off all those requirements when implementing the Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS). Rest assured, oversight won’t be an issue here.
- Includes sign off page for everyone involved: Keeping everyone on the same page needn’t be a cliché anymore. With these inclusions, you manage to notch formal acceptance from workers and other responsible persons effortlessly.
- Easy to use, easy to customise: We’ve made sure even if you’re not tech-friendly, our template will still feel like a breeze. Easy to navigate and even easier to customise, just the way you’d like it.
- Suitable for large contracts and Tenders: Whether you are going for small tasks or eyeing the big fish – those tier 1 contractual works, this tool will come in handy throughout the process without breaking a sweat.
- Quick delivery by email: No fluff or unnecessary waiting around. We send it straight to your mailbox pronto!
Pack up the safety of your worksite in this all-inclusive Safe Work Method Statement Template. It’s got all aspects covered, and is ready to aid you towards a safer work environment.
The Digger Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) includes the following job steps and related potential hazards:
- 1. Preparation
- Lack of training
- Poor site conditions
- 2. Equipment Check
- Malfunctioning equipment
- Incorrect use of equipment
- 3. Site Inspection
- Uneven ground
- Presence of utilities
- 4. Pre-Digging Operations
- Potential collision with other machines
- Falling objects
- 5. Digging Operations
- Striking underground services
- Collapse of edges
- 6. Load Shovelling
- Overturning of machine
- Collision with overhead power lines
- 7. Tip-Off Operations
- Overloading
- Tipping over
- 8. Vehicle Movement
- Unsafe ground conditions
- Collision with pedestrians/other workers/machines
- 9. Maintenance Work
- Repetitive motion injuries
- Noise exposure
- 10. Fuel Handling
- Fire and explosion hazards
- Chemical exposure
- 11. Shut Down Process
- Improper shut down
- Equipment damage
- 12. Post-Operation Inspection
- Inadequate inspection
- Equipment failure/damage
- 13. Refuelling
- Fire and explosion risk
- Spillage
- 14. Cleaning and Maintenance
- Slips and falls
- Chemical exposure
- 15. Final Check
- Missing safety checks
- Equipment malfunctions
Each Safe Work Method Statement has specific content that is referenced to, but not limited to a number of authorities such as Codes of Practice, Regulations, Australian Standards or the Act.
The Digger Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) references:
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