Pre-filled and Comprehensive:
This work method statement template doesn’t leave anything to guesswork. Chock-a-block with necessary details, it ensures you can hit the ground running, making workplace safety a breeze rather than a bother.
Fully editable & customisable in Microsoft Word format:
Like a good Aussie bloke or Sheila, this template is flexible! Edit text, insert images, and fiddle about to make it fit your needs in a jiffy.
Includes Project Scope & Details:
Because everyone wants to know what they’re getting into. This template includes detailed sections for project scope and specifics – an absolute ripper for keeping things organised.
High Risk Machinery Checklist:
The heavy machinery involved in the job are listed with all the bells and whistles of high risk factors associated with them. A fair dinkum necessity for any well-regulated site.
Space for Staff Training Record:
Your training records have never been so easy to keep track of! We’ve dedicated space within the template for keeping tabs on the crew’s learning and development.
Risk Ratings – Before & After:
Snapshots of risks pre and post-implementation provides a clear picture of the impact of your safety measures—essential info for any comprehensive risk management plan.
Legislative References & Resources:
Cut through the legal mumbo-jumbo and get straight to the point with resources detailing key legislative references.
Required PPE Listing:
Never forget a hard hat or a pair of safety boots again. The detailed list makes sure every piece of crucial personal protective equipment is accounted for.
Risk Assessment & Matrix:
Predict potential problems with a complete risk assessment and matrix included. It might sound dullsville, but trust us, it’s a top resource.
SWMS Requirement Checklist:
Your template includes a checklist of the requirements for implementing the Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS).
Sign Off Page:
Seal the deal with our sign off page for all workers and responsible persons because it’s always integral to have agreement in black and white.
Designed for Easy-use & Customisation:
Strategically designed for ease of use, this tailor-able tool will make your life simpler and, dare we say, spiffy!
Suits Large Contracts & Tenders:
Got a big project or tender on the go? This template suits jobs of grand scale – making safety for large contracts and tenders as easy as pie.
Quick Delivery by Email:
Just like your favourite online streaming service, this template comes straight into your inbox without a hitch.
The Boom Truck Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) includes the following job steps and related potential hazards:
- 1. Site Preparation
- Slips
- trips
- falls
- possible contact with electricity
- 2. Vehicle and Equipment Check
- Mechanical faults
- incorrect operation
- 3. Unloading the Boom Truck
- Falling objects
- accidental release of restraint equipment
- 4. Positioning the Boom Truck
- Overhead obstructions
- power lines
- uneven ground
- 5. Setting up the Operating Area
- Collision with other vehicles
- exposure to noisy environments
- 6. Disassembling the Boom Truck
- Struck by moving boom
- sudden release of potential energy
- 7. Loading Materials onto the Boom Truck
- Incorrect lifting practices
- falling materials
- overloading
- 8. Cleaning the Worksite
- Contact with hazardous substances
- slips
- trips
- and falls
- 9. Completion of Task and Sign Off
- Incompleter sign off leads to inproper dismantling
- 10. Emergency Plan & Response
- Lack of emergency response
- inadequate training
- 11. Maintenance and Inspection
- Unexpected machine start
- unqualified personnel for inspection
- 12. Storage of Boom Truck
- Unsafe parking location
- corrosion due to improper storage
- 13. Fuel Handling & Storage
- Spillages leading to fire risks
- toxic fumes from fuel
- 14. Boom Truck Operation
- Failure of boom truck operation
- operator error
- 15. Testing of the Boom Truck
- Inadequate testing procedures
- lack of training for testers
- 16. Installing and Removing Attachments
- Incorrect attachment installation
- falling attachments during removal
- 17. Lifting load using boom
- Load shift or drop
- overload boom truck
- 18. Driving boom truck
- Collision with objects or people
- tip-over on uneven surfaces
- 19. Breakdown handling
- Lack of worker knowledge
- improper tool use
- 20. Documentation & Reporting
- Missing or incorrect documentation
- poor record management
Each Safe Work Method Statement has specific content that is referenced to, but not limited to a number of authorities such as Codes of Practice, Regulations, Australian Standards or the Act.
The Boom Truck Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) references:
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